Angel Packs™

What are Angel Packs?

Angel Packs™ are therapeutic kits for kids who have an adult with cancer in their life. Each pack is filled with easy-to-understand information about what cancer is and how it is treated. Packs include a guidebook with suggestions to help parents talk about their diagnosis in an age-appropriate and reassuring way.

**Angel Packs are available free of charge to all cancer patients residing in Minnesota or living in or being treated in Douglas or St. Croix Counties in Wisconsin. To purchase a pack for a loved one, visit our Etsy site.

Click Here to Request

Child Angel Pack™ 

The Child Angel Pack™ is thoughtfully designed for children ages 4-8 and includes materials such as:

  • Rory the Lion, a new friend
  • “What is Cancer?” guidebook with helpful definitions and illustrations
  • Medical Play Kit
  • Silly Lion playing cards
  • Parent Guidebook

Pre-Teen Angel Pack™

The Pre-Teen Angel Pack™ is thoughtfully designed for kids between the ages 9-13. 

  • Rory the Lion
  • Rory’s Story Graphic Novel
  • “What is Cancer?” escape-room-style informational cancer guidebook
  • Age-based activities like bracelet braiding and card games
  • Parent Guidebook

Teen Angel Pack™ 

The Teen Angel Pack™ is thoughtfully designed for teens between the ages of 14-18. 

  • Rory the Lion
  • Journal
  • Age-based activities and games
  • Parent Guidebook

Click Here to Request

If you are interested in our other programs, such as the Emergency Financial Assistance Program, Financial Cancer Care Program, or Adult & Family Programs, click the links to apply. For assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office.

Angel Foundation™