Kids Kamp 2009 – A Great Success!
On August 6th-8th, Angel Foundation held our annual Kids Kamp– a 3-day summer camp retreat for kids and teens who have a parent facing cancer. After splitting into three age groups ("Kids" 5-8 year-olds, "Pret-teens" 9-12 year-olds, and "Teenagers", 13+), children and teens alike had a blast doing crafts, playing games, and spending time outdoors at the Eden Wood Center in Eden Prairie.
Some of the highlights of the week included the creation of personal murals. Younger children brought small items that were special to them and incorporated them into their painted murals. The teens each wrote a haiku to appear within their paintings. Photos of some of these beautiful murals can be seen here. Everyone enjoyed a performance by the Juggbros, a pair of juggling brothers who wowed the crowd by spinning bowling pins, knives, and even fiery torches into the air! Teenagers were also treated to a high-ropes course, and spent each night in cabins at the camp.
Each morning, campers warmed up for fun with a playground, bubbles, Frisbees, hula-hoops, basketball, and lawn games. Amidst the flying objects, we caught up with a few of the younger campers to find out their favorite moment from camp:
What has been your favorite activity at Kids Kamp, so far?
"I like hula hoops. And I like basketball and building fairy houses. You just find rocks and pebbles and bits of nature and make them into a house" -Max, Kids Group
"I liked the treasure hunt. What were you looking for? You had to look all over the kitchen. Under the table, on the floor… everywhere. It was a little box with candy, and some had playdough, and other things." -Lillian, Pre-teen Group
"Mostly everything." – Jacob, Kids Group
"I like bubbles, because they are cool. And painting!" – Ruthie, Kids Group
"My favorite part is the art, and snack time. We’re painting peace signs on the mural." Abby, Pre-teen Group
"My favorite part is the painting because it’s really fun. I’m painting a mural." What’s in your mural?"Paint." – Michael, Kids Group
If you are interested in future FaCT (Facing Cancer Together) events for your family, please click here for more information, or call Janice Haines at 612-627-9000 ext.503