A Message from the Executive Director
Greetings from Angel Foundation. We hope that you are enjoying the beautiful Spring.
Like the spring flowers, Angel Foundation programs are growing and expanding at an unprecedented rate. I want to share with you some of our successes and enlist your help to make sure that our programs continue to grow so that we can meet the needs of our community.
Our Financial Assistance Program has seen demand skyrocket – up nearly 60 percent per month during the first three months of 2010.
We are delighted that the relationships we have been working to build with local clinics and other organizations have raised the visibility of Angel Foundation. However, our reality now is that we are regularly depleting our financial assistance reserves before the end of each month. In fact, since January 1 we have distributed over $200,000 in emergency assistance grants to help people stay in their homes, put food on the table, and buy gas to get to and from their cancer treatments. That compares to $430,000 for all of 2009. It breaks our hearts to turn people away, but as a fiscally prudent organization we cannot allow our programs to run a deficit.
We’ve also seen a dramatic increase in attendees to the Facing Cancer Together (FaCT) program. For those of you who are less familiar with this program, FaCT is a free educational support program available to parents with cancer that have school-aged children living in the home. Our recent Spring Series, where families come together one night a week for five weeks was our largest ever with 22 families participating, averaging 70-80 participants each night. This program is extremely important to families. Our highly trained and dedicated staff, with the help of volunteers, educates and supports parents as they are confronted with parenting through the cancer experience. The children receive age-appropriate information regarding cancer and through conversation, games and crafts, learn valuable coping and life skills to help them deal with the fear and uncertainty that comes with having a parent with cancer. Time and time again parents and the children too, tell us what a difference this program makes in their individual lives and in the life of the family.
Much of this increase in demand is due to the good work being done to increase visibility for Angel Foundation. As you have talked about Angel Foundation with your friends, colleagues and family, more people are learning of the valuable programs we provide for families when cancer strikes. Referrals from clinics throughout the metro have also increased dramatically.
To meet this demand for services, we need you. Where do you fit? Angel Foundation always needs volunteers for office work, Kids Kamp and special events. Maybe you, or someone you know, has an expertise or service that they would be willing to donate – web design and other graphic design skills are among our current needs. Of course, financial donations are always needed. Maybe you see yourself or your employer participating in this way. I hope you will take a few minutes to see where you fit so that Angel Foundation’s support of this community grows with the need.
Thank you for your partnership and support. Together, we are making a difference and providing help when cancer strikes.
Marsha Lietz