Angel's Attic Coming Up June 26-29
Shop Angel’s Attic and be an angel.
Over the past several months a team of wonderful volunteers at Angel’s Attic has been collecting great new and gently used items of all sorts. Now, we’d like to offer them to you at our Angel’s Attic benefit sale great bargains serving a wonderful cause. Angel’s Attic occupies more than 35,000 square feet, filling an old Volkswagen dealership to the brim. Not only that, but we’ve been fortunate enough to get more than 90% of our items donated from estate sales, which means that they were pre-sorted for the estate sale before being given to us. “All the junk is already gone,” says Kay Melemed, one of the lead volunteer organizers of Angel’s Attic. Thus, everything that’s for sale is good quality, lightly used, and ready for a new owner.
All the volunteers have a surpassing generosity of spirit and dedication to their work and have long been involved in fighting cancer. “There’s never a year when someone you know isn’t getting hit with cancer,” says Kay and so there’s never a year where is doesn’t make a difference to raise money to help those suffering from it.
The volunteers previously ran the World’s Largest Garage Sale for 40 years and are now using their expertise to benefit Angel Foundation. More than 90 volunteers, mostly veterans of years of benefit sale organization, have been working together for weeks with the confidence of long practice to sort, fold, arrange, and otherwise set up tens of thousands of items to show off each one’s virtues. On June 26th, their efforts will be rewarded when the doors open for Angel’s Attic. All proceeds go to Angel Foundation, and then directly on to local families in need of support in their struggles against cancer.
We have something for everyone (and if you’d like to see more pictures, visit our Facebook page or get a closer look on Flickr)
Are you an aficionado of fine antique furniture?
Are you looking for fun toys, games, or books for your family?
Do you enjoy finding bargains on clothes?
Are you a collector of teddy bears?
Glasswares or otherwise?
Do you have an interest in cheap, sturdy, antique kitchen supplies and dishes?
We also have many other items, ranging from bikes and skis to pillows and metal Christmas trees – come see what suits you and your home!
Join us anytime between 10am and 6pm June 26-29. On Saturday June 26, there will be $3 admission, and Tuesday June 29th will be half-price day for all bargain hunters! We hope you enjoy brightening your day with a new find, and brightening someone else’s day by supporting our mission.
For more information, email , call 612.627.9000, or comment on our Facebook page.