Angel Foundation Profiled in "Cancer Care Today"
“Cancer Care Today” is a semi-annual publication from Minnesota Oncology on physicians and practitioners in the field of oncology. In the recent summer issue, there is a two-page spread dedicated to Angel Foundation.
(The text of the article can be found below this post!)
We talk a lot about Minnesota Oncology here at Angel Foundation, because they have played an important role in our creation and growth. Our founder, Margie Sborov, was a Patient Advocate withMN Oncology when she began thinking about a plan for Angel Foundation. The physicians supported the idea of creating a non-profit entity and donatedthe initial funding to get our start in 2001. The groupcontinues to beone of our most active andgenerous donors today!
For those who don’t know, Minnesota Oncology is an association of 50 physicians that practice at 9 clinic locations acrossthe Twin Cities. These oncologists, as well as their dedicated staff, are committed to compassionate, convenient care. This commitment is shown not only through the work they do each day in their clinics and hospitals, but also through their continued, on-going support for Angel Foundation and our mission to provide financial, emotional, and educational support for families facing cancer.
An Army of Angels Brings Hope and Help to Those Touched by Cancer
Through the generous support of an army of angels – sponsors, donors, partner organizations and volunteers – Angel Foundation’s good work continues and expands.
Established in 2001 by longtime patient advocate Margie Sborovand the physicians at Minnesota Oncology, Angel Foundation works to fill the unmet needs of adult cancer patients and their families. The organization offers emergency financial assistance for basic non-medical needs and education and support through its Facing Cancer Together (FaCT) program. The following events celebrate, honor and support Angel Foundation programs and services.
Star Awards 2009
Angel Foundation celebrated its seventh annual Star Awards onSaturday, January 31. More than 425 guests gathered at the Hilton Minneapolis to enjoy a reception, dinner and the presentation of the Star Awards. A silent and live auction helped to raise more than $125,000 to benefit the Angel Foundation’s Financial Assistance Program. Mike Pomerantz, anchor for KARE 11, hosted the event.
Key sponsors included Minnesota Oncology, Elsai, AT&T, Celgene, Just Cause Jewelry, Lifescan Minnesota, Lurie Besikof Lapidus & Company LLP, Oreck, Shea, StarTribune, Suburban Imaging, JNBA and United Hospitals. Angel Foundation recognized 2009 Star Award Honorees for their outstanding contributions to the health and wellness of cancer survivors and their families.
Honorees included:
Dave Fine – Corporate Leadership Award – When cancer survivor Dave Fine joined the Angel Foundation Board of Directors, his genuine passion for helping others rippled throughout AT&T and the community. As a result of Dave’s inspired leadership, we have greatly increased awareness and revenue. Dave is AT&T’s vice president and general manager for the Minnesota/Northern Plains area.
Kevyn Burger – Media Award – As host of her 107.1 FM radio morning show, Kevyn openly shares her journey with breast cancer on the air and in her online blog, and she also uses her show (including a first Tuesday of the month on-air breast self-exam) as a forum for reaching out to others.
Steele Family – Family Caregiver Award – Both parents, Maria and Dennis, have cancer. Their two sons, Regen (14) and Grady (17) have been active participants of Angel Foundation’s Facing Cancer Together Program (FaCT). Grady has become a teen mentor for the FaCT Program. This family is a testimonial of how education and support helps families gain understanding, strength and hope as they face the challenges of cancer.
Michael Corcoran and Judy Golz – Spirit Award – Judy and Mike are lung cancer survivors who have created Breath of Hope Lung Foundation, a nonprofit organization to benefit lung cancer research, advocacy and education. They were instrumental in organizing the first Twin Cities 5K Lung Run Walk at Lake Calhoun in 2007, and more than 1,000 people turned out for the second event in September 2008.