We at Angel Foundation are honored to celebrate cancer survivors. We’re excited that nearly 30 survivors will walk down the runway as models at our Angel & Divas fashion and shopping event Sept. 18 at A’BULAE, St. Paul.

They’re apparently excited, too. Here’s a group letter sent this week from one of the men who will be modeling clothing from Jos. A. Bank. We’re pretty sure you’ll be able to tell which one he is that night by the cheering …

Hello All –

As many of you know I am a cancer survivor, and on Aug. 10, 2014, it was four years since I had a stem cell transplant.

My cancer story started the same way all cancer stories start, with a “diagnosis.” I received a call in early December 2007 from my doctor. He started the conversation by saying, “Are you sitting down?”

Fast-forward to February 2010: I found myself in a battle for my life. The disease had mutated to a very aggressive form of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. After nine months being treated with chemo, the disease was winning. I was referred to the U of M Bone Marrow Transplant Clinic to undergo a stem cell transplant.

I finally returned to work in December 2010. Today, four years later, I still start my day with giving thanks for all that I have been given, especially a second chance at life as the disease is still undetectable in my body!

I share my story with you because I will be participating in a celebratory fashion show, “Angel & Divas,” a fundraising event for Angel Foundation on Sept. 18th. Angel is a nonprofit organization that works with cancer patients to provide non-medical emergency financial assistance for food, utilities, transportation and rent/mortgage payments … as well as education and support.

I was so fortunate four years ago to have health and disability insurance. So many people among our community don’t. Forty percent of all families in our community with a diagnosis of cancer will fall below the poverty line sometime while being treated for cancer.

Today I’m asking you to purchase a ticket to come out and cheer me on as I strut down the runway to help support Angel Foundation’s fundraiser, Angel & Divas. If you are not able to make it on Sept. 18, please consider making a donation.

The event is being held at A’BULAE in St. Paul. You can go to https://mnangel.org/events/item/112 and register or donate.

Hope to see you on the 18th!