Draft FAQ
Donate to Angel Foundation
Where does Angel Foundation’s funding come from?
Angel Foundation is fortunate to receive funding from a variety of sources including individuals, businesses, foundations, special events, and community fundraisers.
What is the organization’s current annual revenue budget?
The revenue budget for 2022 is $3.8 million dollars.
How much of my donation will go to program support?
Seventy-four percent of our revenue is re-invested back into programming for adults with cancer and their families.
Is my contribution deductible?
Angel Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
Do you accept honor and memorial gifts?
Every day more and more people are selecting to celebrate a special birthday or anniversary or make a gift in memory of a loved one with a gift to Angel Foundation. When you make your gift, please note the person being honored, or the next of kin for memorial gifts, along with their address and we will send them a card informing them of your gift.
Does United Way support Angel Foundation?
Angel Foundation is not a United Way-funded organization however, we are fortunate that during employer driven United Way campaigns, many individuals will “write in” Angel Foundation as their charity.
How can I donate?
- You can make a credit card donation online through our secure webpage at mnangel.org/donate.
- You can also mail your credit card request or check payable to Angel Foundation to:
Angel Foundation
1155 Centre Pointe Drive, Suite 7
Mendota Heights, MN 55120
By making a charitable gift to Angel Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization, the donor understands that charitable donations are not refundable.
What volunteer opportunities are available at Angel Foundation?
Angel Foundation has several special events throughout the year including Camp Angel, Angel Gala, Angel & Eagles Golf Classic, among others (check our website for dates and information) and we are often in need of volunteers to help with the planning and execution of these events. There are also administrative opportunities at our office on a regular basis as well. Please call Kathy Tolo at (612) 627-9000 ext. 516 or contact us.
How could our school, church, or community group contribute to your mission?
Throughout the course of the year, many groups or individuals host fundraisers to benefit Angel Foundation. To assist in planning these events, click here.
How would I request a speaker to provide more information about Angel Foundation to employee or community groups?
Angel Foundation welcomes the opportunity to promote greater awareness of its programs. If you would like someone from our staff to present to your business or organization please contact Shandy Potes Mangra at spotesmangra@mnangel.org for further information.