Financial Cancer Care Workshop – In Person Option

Time: to

The Financial Cancer Care (FCC) workshop is an introductory course, offered virtually AND in person. A Volunteer Certified Financial Planner™ and a Social Worker oversee and facilitate the course. FCC intends to help people affected by cancer learn how to “Get Your Financial House” in order when cancer strikes. This program reviews ways to plan a budget and a savings plan, plan for retirement, and start a financial roadmap to help participants feel more confident in their financial knowledge and skills.

This program provides introductory-level education about how to start improving your financial plan. Class instruction is led by a Pro Bono Certified Financial Planner™ and a Social Worker. Later in the process, participants can continue to work one-on-one with a Financial Planner, free of charge.

Location: Gilda’s Club Twin Cities – 10560 Wayzata Blvd, Minnetonka, MN 55305

An introductory course on how to create a budget, build a savings plan, prepare for retirement, and more.

If you would like more information or to sign up for this workshop, please contact or 612-627-9000 ext. 517. Clients can choose if they participate in person or online.

Angel Foundation™