I was asked to help the youngest children’s group (ages 5-8) with a task of writing their hopes and dreams on a piece of paper. I approached a little boy who was staring down at his paper looking bewildered.  He wasn’t old enough to write himself and I asked if I could help him. He already had one hope on his paper from another volunteer and it read, “I hope my dad’s cancer goes away.” I said that was a wonderful thing to hope for and asked if he had any other thoughts to add.  He shared, “will you write down, ‘I hope to do well in football this fall.’”

What struck me at that moment was that these young children hold so many emotions at once…worry about their parent and the ultimate fear of the unknown…and yet their strong desire to just be a kid.  This is what our Kids Kamp is all about. We give the children the opportunity to share their feelings in a safe, non-judgmental group and at the same time allow them to play, laugh, and just have fun.

I am amazed every day by the resilience, courage, and hopefulness of these young children.  I am so thankful and proud that Angel Foundation can provide this life-changing experience for children who have a parent with cancer.

 By Margie Sborov, founder of Angel Foundation