Paying it Forward
The last few months have been a whirlwind for the Kreft family following Abby’s breast cancer diagnosis and subsequent surgery in June. Abby’s husband Dave switched jobs and the family moved to a new home in July. This mother of three, Evelyn 7, Saul 5, Eloise 3, recently completed a course of chemotherapy treatments. As her friends and family are well aware, Abby is as strong as they come—she says that although cancer has taken her hair, “I won’t let it take my love for life.”
Abby’s children reflect her strength. Soon after Abby was diagnosed, Evelyn came up with the idea of ordering shirts and selling them, with the proceeds donated to a cancer organization. The shirt’s slogan, “Abby fights like a girl,” is a nod to the song made popular by Shania Twain.
The family has a large support network and has sold more than 200 shirts. Because Evelyn and Saul loved their experience at Angel Foundation’s Kids Kamp this past August, Evelyn chose to donate the funds from the sale to Angel Foundation. “Thanks for being such an awesome foundation,” says Dave. “We have seen the power of what you do!”
Evelyn and her family recently visited us to deliver an oversized check made out to “Cancer Camp” for $1,400! “The kids were really jazzed up to use an oversized check for the presentation,” says Dave.
At Angel Foundation, we are humbled and amazed that at such a stressful time for this family, they thought of giving back to other families facing a similar challenge.
On Abby’s CaringBridge site, she offers a quote from Marcia Wieder that sums up her philosophy: “Every day, do something that makes your heart sing.” Through this generous act, Abby and her family have made our hearts sing at Angel Foundation—and will help make a difference in the lives of other families when cancer strikes.