The Lives We Touch
Every staff meeting and every committee meeting at Angel Foundation begins the same: with the reading of a story about someone we helped recently through our programs. We call these stories The Lives We Touch, and it’s the first action item on every meeting agenda after the welcome.
These Lives We Touch stories keep the people we serve top of mind as we go about our work, providing daily incentive to bring our brightest ideas and best work to the meeting table, because so many people are counting on us.
There is no shortage of stories. The need for Angel Foundation programs is greater than ever. This year, thanks to generous donations, we are poised to award $1 million in emergency financial assistance for non-medical needs to adults in active treatment for cancer in the Twin Cities. For every grant awarded, there’s a story behind it that touches our hearts and re-ignites our passion for our work.
So today, we invite you: Pull up a chair to our virtual meeting table. Listen along with us to the stories of a few lives we touched recently:
• Betty is a 62 year old widow recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Her husband died in February 2012, and Betty has been struggling to pay off his medical bills. Her recent cancer diagnosis has left her unable to meet her basic living expenses. She has had many sleepless nights trying to figure out how she will pay all her bills and still be able to eat and put gas in the car. Betty travels from Morton, Minn., to the U of M for weekly treatments. Angel Foundation was able to provide her with a $700 grant to help pay for food and gas.
• Kevin is a married father of two young teenagers (ages 11 and 13), and he has been battling cancer since August 2011. Since he can no longer be left alone, his wife, Carol, had to quit her job. Carol was already on unpaid leave over the summer, which left the family’s meager savings depleted. Now, with Carol out of work, the monthly COBRA payments are crippling the family. Angel Foundation was able to provide Kevin and his family a $200 Target card to purchase food.
• Shelly is a single mother of two small children. Her youngest child, born premature, has had many health issues. Shelly’s diagnosis of breast cancer has had a huge impact on the young family. She is trying to work while receiving chemotherapy treatments, and trying to hold onto her home. Angel Foundation was able to provide Shelly with a $200 Cub card to purchase food for her family.
There are many others like Betty, Kevin and Shelly who need our help. If you would like to help us meet their needs, and help us reach our goal of awarding $1 million in emergency financial assistance this year: Please consider joining us at our Friends of Angel Fundraising breakfast April 25 at the Town & Country Club in St. Paul. For more information, go to or call Angel Foundation at (612) 627-9000.